Monday, September 17, 2012

Tofu Lo Mein

I'm coming out of my self-inflicted hiatus to post this amazing recipe, Tofu lo mein. It's based off of this sesame chicken recipe I found on pinterest. I took her sauce, doubled it, and put my own favorites into the mix and I ended up with this lovely, delicious vegetarian dinner that my husband begs for - and takes leftovers to work!

Besides pleasing my husband and having tons of leftovers, I also always think of my sister, Stacey, every time I make this. Another reason for me breaking my cooking blogger slumber - she needs to see this! We're always trying to figure out new ways to make tofu - and have it enjoyable for others (my husband is not a huge tofu fan) is just the icing on the...bean curd. haha. So here we go:

What you need:
- 1 package Extra Firm Tofu, cubed, drained, pressed of liquid (I cut my tofu, lay it on a dish towel lined with a paper towel and then press a plate on top to get rid of as much as I can)
- Flour, seasoned how you want (I do S&P and garlic powder)
- Whole Wheat Spaghetti OR Rice
- Any veggies you choose, I usually do edamame beans and frozen broccoli
- 1/2 c Soy sauce
- 1/2 c sugar
- 1t sesame oil
- Toasted sesame seeds
- 2 green onions, chopped

First things first. I made this recipe as it was (here, again) and it was fantastic. Husband loved it. Kiddo loved it. I loved it. Perfect trifecta. So I wanted to make it again but didn't have any chicken - thus brought on the, can I do this with tofu, question. Can tofu be floured and brown like chicken?
I was amazed. Woo hoo! But how would it taste? I always marinade my tofu. Surprisingly though it tasted awesome with the sauce. Anyway, on ward with the recipe.

- Toss drained, cubed tofu in flour. Heat oil in a pot/pan until rippling. Add tofu and brown on all sides. Drain tofu on paper towel and put aside.

- In the mean time, cook spaghetti and veggies. I do this in one pot of boiling water. SO EASY. 
- I always forget until the last minute to toast the dang sesame seeds. DO IT NOW ;) Otherwise you'll be scrambling!

- Get the ingredients out for the sauce and have it ready to go. This step is pretty fast so I have no picture of it. Add soy sauce and sugar to pot (use the same one you used to brown the tofu) over medium low heat. Heat until sugar is dissolved. Add sesame oil and stir.  

Add in everything and Toss!

Serve with edamame. (I like to just add the beans into the broccoli/spaghetti but I couldn't find shelled ones for this picture...of course!) 

It's delicious and healthy. I seriously will never buy sesame chicken/tofu anywhere again!

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