Monday, July 23, 2012


Oh my gracious, y'all. I have had the hardest time making myself sit down, upload photos, go through said photos, reupload them back onto blogger, then type out everything. I decided to try taking pictures with my relatively new iphone and then use google+ to transfer them here. We'll see how that goes and if it makes it easier to keep up with my little recipe box. My posts might be sporadic but at least they are delicious!!

Introducing: Breakfast Frittata, a staple in our home because it is super easy to make and anything can go in it :) It's an open faced omlette which means no flipping, folding or complicated maneuvers. In this frittata I have leftover rosemary-onion roasted potatoes from the night before, spinach, frozen broccoli and onion. Usually the red potatoes are what remind me about frittatas "ohhh these would be so good in an omlette tomorrow morning!" 

The main ingredients you have to have are:
- 6 eggs (for the 3 of us works great but always add more/less for the group of people you're feeding)
- Splash of milk
- S&P
- Whatever veggies or meats you want to add in.

Saute the veggies/meat in a non stick pan. Then whisk the eggs up and throw it into the pan. Leave it alone until the edges are starting to set up and then stick it into a 350 oven until the eggs are set up all over - usually 10 minutes but depends on how many eggs you have. The top will not brown (if you have cheese on top and want it browned then try broiling it for a few minutes.)
*side note: I'm not sure my pan is an "oven safe" pan since it has a squishy handle so I wrap the handle in foil (thanks RR!) and it's totally fine!*
 Then just slide your frittata out of the pan, slice it up like a pizza and serve. I love to serve mine with pico de gallo up top but was out of that this week so added feta cheese - delicious! We used to add cheddar cheese to the top when baking it but LB is dairy-free now so we have to add it afterwards.

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