Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pinterest Finds

I have tried a few pinterest-found recipes lately that have phenomenal and wanted to share them with you! First off, you should know that Den and I are trying to eat healthier (always) and so I needed to shake up my recipe rotation. We're going to try to eat fish once a week and cut down on potatoes and rice. So here is a fish recipe AND a quinoa recipe! Enjoy!

We'll start with my all time favorite first. I already shared this with everyone I could think of because seriously, it's that good!  Ginger & Cilantro Tilapia is so flavorful, super duper easy to make and pretty dang healthy too. I apologize for not having more pictures, I was in such a rush to get this in my mouth that all my pictures were quite blurry.
I served it over brown rice (which I usually say - ick - to!) but I used the leftover juices in the pan over top and it was so delicious! On the side is some soy-garlic Kale. I just heated up some oil, added a smushed garlic clove and took it out when it had given off some flavor. Added in the trimmed, chopped kale, poured a bit of lemon, soy, and a splash of sesame seed oil and covered to let cook. Once it was cooked down it was ready and oh-so-delicious!
I don't have a picture of it, but LB did really enjoy the fish which is great!
Look how flaky that fish is!? And that flavorful broth was perfect over brown rice!
Next up is Quinoa Pizza Bites which were amazing! I really, really liked them and kept going back to munch on more. Den liked them but also said they tasted a bit like "cornbread pizza." He took the leftovers to work so he must've liked them enough.
I only made a few changes to this one. I added broccoli and mushrooms. I used turkey pepperoni. And I also made them in a big [regular] muffin pan since we were enjoying them for dinner. It made 12 big "bites" I think it was a bit harder to get the bigger muffins out even though I cooked them for 30 minutes but I really doubt you'd had a problem with the mini ones not staying together. And honestly, who cares!? They were awesome! Even LB loved it.

I served these with homemade caesar salad (Recipe to follow in the next post! eek!) and the combination of those two made the dish even better! I really think it taste just like pizza without filling you up too much or making you feel guilty. I can't wait to make them again. I think these would be a fun party appetizer as well :)

LB digging right in :) 

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